Thursday, May 14, 2020

Day 1 - Intention

Good morning!

I am here! Showing up for my best life. For me, it is being present in the moment. Enjoying what is in front of me.

Now having said that I want to clean up my diet and get healthy. Not really living in the now. Okay, I am cleaning up my diet and eating healthy.

I am.

What a great intention statement. However, I do want to lose weight, build muscle and grow in my spiritual journey. I want to be the fittest Nanny out there, I want to be an example to my grandkids of how to live in right relation with the world and myself. Lofty goals. I am 62 years old, why did I wait so long! Oh I didn't, I have been traveling this path forever. Reading all the books, taking all the vitamins, visiting all the health practitioners. Doing all the things! But I need to put them all together, hense this blog.

I started Yoga Teacher Training in December 2019. It was not what I expected but definitely what I needed. WOW! I don't know about other yoga trainings, however, this one follows the teachings of the Amrit Yoga Institute and Yogi Amrit Desai and incorporates the spiritual aspects of yoga as well as the physical practice. Love!

So to start this great life now, I am up at 5:00. Not sure how else to fit everything in.

I am at an all time high with my weight, not including pregnancy, however, pretty darn close to that. I go through periods of clean eating alternating with take out, chips and chocolate for snacks and binging on favourite foods, ie hotdogs and hamburgers fresh off the BBQ, hmmm heaven. Day 1, can you call that a streak?

The plan for today: Work, training, clean eating physical practice, spiritual practice, and gardening.

What a full day! I am off to live it! No chocolate, no chips!